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A&M Church of Christ

New Online Giving FAQ

  • How do I sign up for the new giving processor?

    • You can give online via the mobile app, the link above, or by texting AMCHURCH to 77977​


  • How do I download the church app?

    • You can find the church app in the App Store and Google Play Store or by texting AMCHURCH APP to 77977​


  • How do I setup recurring giving​​​?

    • Using any of the methods above, access your online giving and you can opt to setup regularly recurring gifts during the sign-up process



  • Why is ACH the recommended payment type?​

    • ACH is a direct draft from your bank account. This keeps the church and you from having to pay the high fees associated with credit/debit card transactions.​


  • What is going away and when?​

    • Our current payment processor in CCB will be going away in early 2021, as well as the mobile app. In early 2021 we will complete the transition and begin processing all giving through our new provider, PushPay.


  • Will the church still send out a single giving statement for 2020​?

    • Yes. As in years past, the church office will provide you a link to access your giving statement.​


  • I still have questions. Who can I contact?


A&M Church of Christ

2475 Earl Rudder Fwy S

College Station, TX 77845


Donations can be mailed to:

PO Box 9063

College Station, TX 77842


Sunday Worship: 8:30 & 10:30am

           Español: 9:30am


Sunday Bible Class: 9:40am*

  *Children's classes begin at 9:30am

Wednesday Bible Class: 7:00pm


Office Hours: Mon - Fri: 8am-4pm | Tel: 979-693-0400





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